The school board meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration and School Board Complex located at 205 Wolf Street, Pearcy, AR. The public is invited to attend.

District patrons wishing to have an item placed on the Board meeting's agenda must submit their requests, in writing to the Superintendent, at least five (5) days prior to the meeting of the Board. The written request must be sufficiently descriptive to enable the Superintendent and Board President to fully understand and evaluate its appropriateness to be an agenda item. Such requests may be accepted, rejected, or referred back to the individual for further clarification. Patrons whose written request to be placed on the meeting's agenda has been accepted shall have no more than ten (10) minutes to present to the Board unless specifically granted additional time by a motion approved by a majority of the Board. For the complete board policy regarding the meeting agenda (Section 1.14), click here.

View past meeting minutes: School Board Meeting Minutes

Dr. Tiffany McCain

Dr. Tiffany McCain

Board President


Mark Curry

Mark Curry

Board Vice President


Dana Keithley

Dana Keithley

Dr. Brian Peters

Dr. Brian Peters

Board Member


Matt Diggs

Matt Diggs

School boards, elected by their communities, represent the community's beliefs and values. Consider these five reasons that the school board, which represents your community's beliefs and values, should be the decision-maker in today's schools:

  1. Your school board looks out for children, first and foremost. Education is not a line item in your school board's budget. It is the only item.

  2. Your school board is the advocate for your community when decisions are made about your children's education. The school board represents the public's voice in public education, providing citizen governance for what the public schools need and what the community wants.

  3. Your school board sets the standard for achievement in your district, incorporating the community's view of what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Your school board also is responsible for working with the superintendent to establish a valid process for measuring student success and, when necessary, shifting resources to ensure that the district's goals are achieved.

  4. Your school board is accessible to you and accountable for the performance of the schools in your district. If the schools are not producing, it is your right as a voter to elect new board members who will see to it that your students and your schools succeed.

  5. Your school board is your community's education watchdog, ensuring that taxpayers get the most for their tax dollars.