Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held by video or phone on Thursday, February 10, 2022. Students will not attend school on the 10th during the parent-teacher conference day.  See below to view scheduling options for each building on campus.  Can't schedule something for the 10th?  No worries!  Contact your child's teacher(s) to set something up for an alternative date.

Primary, Elementary, and Intermediate School:  Teachers will be contacting parents to set up individual times to discuss each child.

Middle School and Junior High: Links to sign up for parent-teacher conferences will be shared by each teacher through Canvas, the school website, automated text, and social media.

High School: Links to sign up for parent-teacher conferences will be shared by each teacher through Advisory and through the school website and social media.  An automated text with a sign-up link will also be sent out to parents to sign up once the link is available.